Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mirth Connect custom connectors

Mirth Connect ("mirth" for short) is a great integration engine for healthcare applications. OSS and free for most usage, but also provide commercial support for customer that so wishes. Mirth ship with a lot of connectors that implement various common healthcare connectivity standards. At work we use HL7/MLLP as well as ASTM/TCP to integrate AQURE with many different HIS and LIS systems.

Another great thing about Mirth is the ability to develop your own connectors when Mirth doesn't provide one. So far we have implemented two types of connectors to cover our needs, a secure web-service connector, and a ASTM connector to cover some low-level protocol issues. However, no matter how flexible Mirth may be, custom development is a nightmare and very ill-suited for 3'rd party developers. There is basically no documentation, the ant build files are a mess, and the extension-points are completely undocumented. The developers of Mirth has promised documentation all the way back from 2006-2007 but so far the have completely failed to deliver. So i finally decided that I'll write a couple of blog-articles on how you can build a custom Mirth connector yourself in a few easy steps.

The blogs will cover the following topics

Stay tuned..


  1. Hi Niclas,

    I have update the "Unofficial Mirth Connect developer's guide" book with the chapter explaining how to build and sign the Mirth Connect v3 extensions. Hope you and your readers may found it interesting.

    (Disclaimer: I'm the author of this book, so any comments or suggestions are welcome.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can you please post the remaining details regarding the custom development. I am interested in learning that.

  4. Can you please post the remaining details regarding the custom development. I am interested in learning that.
